Top 5 Actionable Ways to Make Your Partner Love You More


40% of marriages eventually collapse. For unmarried couples, break-ups are even more common. Everyone gets that feeling of uncertainty about the degree of love their partner has for them. Should you believe their words when your lover tells you that you make their world complete, and that they can’t live without you?

Well, even if you think he/she doesn’t love you as much as they claim, there are a million ways you can use to get your better half to increase their love for you. After all, too much of love is what you need to eliminate your feelings of insecurity, and clear away the little doubts.

Here are 5 actionable ways to make your partner fall for you.

Stay Committed to Your Lover

Loyalty is paramount when it comes to nurturing a successful relationship. You can’t expect your partner to love you more when you haven’t given them the reason to do so. Just like respect, love is also reciprocal. There are instances where some guys and even ladies cheat on their partners because they suspect the other side to be disloyal. Unfortunately, this contributes to the downfall of many relationships. Since disloyalty leads to suspicions of infidelity, you should think about spending more time with your partner. Time heals painful memories. Go out together more frequently, hit the gym together, go to the beaches, and have fun with your partner to make the love even stronger.

Support Your Partner to Achieve His Goals

There is no doubt that goals can do and undo relationships. Are you the type of person who criticizes every career decision your partner makes about their future? Lack of support for your partner’s personal goals could mean that the two of you are incompatible, the realization of which could lead to calling it quits. The fact is that relationships work best when the lovers are able to reconcile their differences and come together as one. When a girlfriend shows lack of support for her boyfriend’s dream job, fashion style, or any goal of that sort, it can be a deal breaker for the relationship. How long do you think your partner can keep loving you for your lack of respect towards his decisions?

If you really want him to be all yours, then maybe you should start supporting his good initiatives. Give him the chance to make his own decisions, and show him that you have got his back. A guy will surely love his girlfriend to the bone if she gives him every reason to believe that she supports his dreams.

Listen to Your Partner

A working relationship revolves around good communication, backed by good listening skills. Bad communication can crumble a relationship before the two of you walk each other to the altar to say “I do”. However, without good listening skills, communication alone cannot hold water. It hurts badly when the person you are speaking your heart out to, isn’t paying rapt attention to your message. Even though you don’t have to always be in conformity with what your partner is saying, at least, listening to their point of view is worth it.

It makes them feel like “OK I’m making a point”. Having listening ears is an issue of grave concern, and you shouldn’t downplay it.

Be Nice, Complain Less

Who doesn’t hate unnecessary complaints? Your partner does, likewise you too. Complaints often create room for mistrust to crop into a relationship. In fact, some relationships fall apart because one partner can’t go a day without hurling hurtful words or a chain of complaints. Two people coming together in love doesn’t mean you are perfect beings. Though you are one, each of you has his ups and downs. Instead of using bitter words to express your feelings, calm down and use respectful language when you must complain.

A good guy will strive to make you the queen of his heart if his girlfriend accepts him for who he is, and doesn’t fault him for every small mistake.

Love Unconditionally: Look Beyond Money

Money destroys more relationships than it creates them. True love is not rooted in material possessions, but personality. So, if a lady wants his boyfriend to love her unconditionally, she should not be a gold digger.

To summarize the topic, a good relationship brings joy to the partners involved. Unmarried partners have high break-up rates — that includes those who have been dating for over 20 years. The secrets to winning more love from your love boils down to the 5 facts discussed above.


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