In my previous article, I promised to write on the topic ‘clear signs he is in love with you’. I am here to deliver just that. After reading this article, you may also want to read the previous article on clear signs she is in love with you.

In this twenty-first century, most women are ‘scared’ to enter into relationships not only because of bad personal experiences — ideas from relationship experts also shed light on the “wahala”(troubles) that come with dating. Surprisingly, some women believe ‘relationship tutors’ because of the saying that experience is the best teacher.

They view it as a plague which will react badly to their bodies like an allergy. Guys are known to hide their feelings, most especially when it comes to love.

They fear that they will be shunned by the beautiful species called females. ‘Beema nsu’ literally means a man does not cry. However, men do cry — most especially when it comes to love.

The big question now is — is it still possible to get true love from a man? Can you still find a boyfriend or a husband who will offer you real, faithful, and lasting love?

Well, there are still a lot of men who can be trusted. You just have to be careful in choosing the person to love. Here are some clear signs that can tell you if your man truly loves you.

A guy who loves you would be polite despite your stubbornness.

A guy who truly loves you would be patient and gentle even when you annoy them. Ladies, admit this fact. Women are so unpredictable and emotional. Sometimes, this becomes unbearable for the guys to an extent that they tend to lose interest in the relationship and even act rude.

Ladies always want to be reminded of how much they are valued by their partners and therefore, try to pose certain questions which sometimes are not relevant. They do this just to trick their partners to know if they are still in love with them or there is a third party.

Guys view this act as childishness when it becomes a habit of the lady. They think the ladies feel insecure and don’t trust them enough. Therefore, they act rudely and break the relationship due to the stubbornness of these ladies.

However, if a man truly loves you, he would understand your insecurities and bear your questions and keep himself from being rude to you. He will do his best to remain a gentleman.

A guy in love does not compete with his lady

Men are naturally competitive as they wish to always be seen as the heads in everything. They will go the extra mile just to feel like ‘bosses’ in the midst of their friends. A guy who openly applauds his lady for an achievement he himself has not attained is worth keeping. A man who does not fee insecure or has no iota of inferiority complex is a real man.

Ladies, please don’t get me wrong. Guys, I am not saying do not be visionaries and watch ladies work to provide for everything. Let’s get it straight. A guy in love can provide for his lady if he has the means to. This comes with an ‘if’ clause because if the lovebirds are both in school, how can the provision of needs be made available constantly? Little surprises from both sides can do the trick.

A guy in love celebrates with you in your ups, and would encourage you to reach for your dreams even when you are scared of competitors at your workplace. You are not a threat to him, but rather an inspiration to work hard for his own goals.

A guy in love tends to be inquisitive.

One of the true signs that he really loves you is when he is inquisitive. Don’t get it twisted when he keeps asking questions. He is interested in knowing more about you. Knowing these details will help him get involved in everything that is going on in your world.

He just wants to know the details of things happening around you. He wants to know everything about you, your friends, and your family. Sometimes he advises you about your friends. If your circle of friends are too many, he tries to make you see reasons with him to limit the time you spend with friends. This doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s dictating to you — he only cares and wants the best for you.

A guy in love remembers the little things said to him.

Little things matter to him. He remembers everything you tell him. Isn’t it amazing when he remembers your birthday! It looks as if he has set an alarm to remind him of your birthday. How about when he knows your examination timetable and wishes you all the best of luck?

As fragile and emotional beings, ladies need love, care and attention. They need supportive guys to help them achieve their aims in life and raise a family.

To my ladies, biologically, your time may be running out. Societally, your friends and even younger siblings may be putting pressure on you to marry.

But know that if you rush into a marriage, you may regret it later. It’s better to be happy and single than to be in an unhappy relationship for the rest of your life.


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