Why has he/she stopped communicating? Why is he silent even when I try to bring up a conversation? Is the spark gone, or it’s over?

Ladies and gentlemen, this is one phase of a relationship known as silent treatment.

Silent treatment is when a person doesn’t make known what his/her  thoughts are with you, either verbally or in any form. Most silent treatments occur as a result of arguments, anger or one party being silent for no reason. But then, haven’t we heard of the saying that “There is a reason to everything”?

Silent treatment is like a silent  weapon used by a person to punish you. And by that, you are expected to figure out what might be wrong, and probably come up with a solution before they resume speaking to you.

Dealing with such a kind of people might be emotionally draining because of the pain they inflict on you — physically, emotionally, psychologically, and even mentally.

I cannot point out all the reasons why some partners treat their better-halves with silent treatment. But here are few of the reasons.

Have you ever wronged your partner and never apologized? You knew those words were harsh and wouldn’t like to be said to you, yet you said them to your partner. Of course, he/she took them seriously,  but it never occurred to you that they were hurt.

Since they don’t want to show you or argue with you again, they will resort to being silent. And trust me, silence is the loudest scream of all time.They might decide to be silent for long, and probably go for good. You’ll be left asking yourself so many questions with no one to answer.

In most cases, the person giving the silent treatment always has a problem with something or someone, and just doesn’t  know how to express it. Some people do not know how to speak up even when they are going through the worst treatments.

They would rather decide to accommodate the pain till they feel they can’t contain it anymore. He/she would prefer to stay quiet, even  though they are hurt, and wish their partners will change. Guys!! These calibres of people know that communication is key, but maybe nature made them so.

If you find yourself in a relationship where your partner rarely speaks about the challenges, even when you are aware you are being harsh, it may be due to their bad anger management. Be careful not to push him/her further; when they take measures, they take them drastically. And that can affect you in the long run.

More often than not,  the partner who is being silent is the victim, but we tend to ignore that. Even in home settings, whenever there is an accusation, and one person is silent because of reasons best known to them, we turn to assume that the quiet one is not guilty.

This is a tactic most partners play in order not to be seen as the guilty ones. If talking and complaining makes you the bad person, I bet you, it’s time to try silence.

Guys!!  It’s always best to drive home your point. Silent treatment is draining, and it sometimes leaves the other partner frustrated.

In most cases, the one who suffers the silence grows weary and becomes fed up as time goes on, and may even go for good. So, who will be at a loss now? Your answer is as good as mine.


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