Spanish Government Allows Training From 4th May


Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, made an appearance to explain the plan to ease lockdown measures, who includes the return to professional football training. From Monday 4th May, federated athletes will be allowed to train.

Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, held a press conference to announce the plan to ease lockdown measures, which will consist of 4 phases.

“There will be four phases. The first is the current one, the prep, which will start on May 4th with some economic premises such as restaurants with home delivery or basic federated training”, he said.

With regards to club training, he said: “The training of federated athletes and the average training in professional leagues will be allowed”.

“On May 11, the provinces that comply with the plan will move to phase 1, and every two weeks thereafter will be reviewed. In phase 0, small pockets of economic activity will be opened: the opening of premises by appointment. Also professional and individual training,” he added.

“In addition, cultural events with less than 50 people can be held indoors with a limited capacity, and in the open air with 400 people, provided that they are seated,” he continued.

The prime minister also made clear that it is a slow and gradual easing: “Each phase will last two weeks. This means that the de-escalation phase will last at least six weeks, i.e. one and a half months”.

He added: “If everything is controlled in each territory, by the end of June we would enter the new normality”. Pedro Sánchez made it clear that all these measures will be carried out if the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic allows it.


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