Akropong: Four royals to face court for enstooling chief despite ban on gatherings


The four royals of the Akuapem Traditional Area in the Eastern Region who were arrested by the Police for flouting social distancing protocols will be put before court on Tuesday.

The four have already been granted police inquiry bail but officials say they are to report to the police station today [Monday] to be processed for court on Tuesday.

“They were released on bail because it has fallen into the long weekend and we can’t let them be overdue in cells…Our method is straight forward, we will send them to court, latest by Tuesday,” the Eastern Regional Police Crime Officer, Chief Superintendent David Gyabaa told Citi News.

According to the Police and the Akuapem North Municipal Assembly, the four spearheaded the enstoolment of the Paramount Chief of the Akuapem Traditional area, Odehye Kwadwo Kesse, which was under strict police supervision.

Some Ghanaians on Friday took to social media to criticise the action by the traditional council which they said was in clear breach of the President’s directive on the ban on all forms of social gatherings.

Chief Supt. David Gyabaa also said calm has returned to the Akropong Community following the tension in the area.

“The situation is calm now on the ground. That is what we are working to maintain. The little peace we have there, we are working to build it and make sure it improves,” he said.

There was also a chieftaincy dispute in the area following a misunderstanding between factions in the Sakyiabea Royal Gate over whose turn it was to produce the next Okuapehene.

Last Thursday, the Judicial Committee of the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs declared the installation of Odehyee Kwasi Akuffo as the Okuapehene by the Queen-mother of the area as null and void.

At the same time, the Abrewatia had nominated Odehye Kesse to be heir to the throne to succeed the late Oseeadeyo Addo Dankwa III.

Unsatisfied about events, the Abrewatia petitioned the Regional House of Chiefs, challenging the traditional capacity of the Paramount Queen in nominating and installing a Paramount Chief.


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