Critics of government’s COVID-19 fight doing it for ‘political survival’ – Nana Addo


President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has urged Ghanaians not to begrudge persons criticising government’s handling of the fight against the novel Coronavirus in the country.

According to him, most of the critics are political actors seeking to stay relevant.

He said most of these political actors are doing everything possible to make Ghanaians believe that the Akufo-Addo administration has failed in the fight against COVID-19.

“I know some political actors will want you to believe that our current numbers represent a failure on the part of Government. Do not begrudge them. They need to make such comments for their political survival. On the contrary, we must be emboldened in the knowledge that the four thousand, seven hundred (4,700) persons infected, so far, with the virus, have been identified, taken out of the population, isolated and are being treated,” the President said.

President Akufo-Addo made the remark during his ninth address to the nation on Sunday, May 10, 2020, where he updated Ghanaians on measures put in place to defeat COVID-19 in the country.

“Fellow Ghanaians, this virus, as we have seen the world over, is no respecter of persons, and has wreaked its havoc on every country on the planet. We can defeat it if we continue to look out for one another, and remain each other’s keeper. We are fighting a common enemy, and it is imperative that we do not allow religious, ethnic or political differences to get in the way of certain victory,” he urged.

He further advised Ghanaians not to encourage such disparaging comments against the fight against COVID-19 saying: “We cannot allow a few persons, who wish to use these differences to scuttle our collective fight, to succeed.”

“Over the course of our history as a people, we have had to overcome several trials and tribulations: slavery, imperialism, colonialism, tyranny, and dictatorship, and we have overcome them all so that, with the help of the Almighty, we are, today, building a free, independent State, a State that, despite the urgency of the crisis, is governed by democratic institutions, and respect for fundamental human rights, especially freedom of speech.”

“That is as it should be, for we are determined in our generation to realise the dreams of freedom that animated and inspired the founders of our State. I am confident that we will overcome this pandemic, as well. This, too, shall pass,” he said.

President Akufo-Addo used the opportunity to inform Ghanaians that COVID-19 cases in Ghana had shot up to 4,700 with 494 recoveries and 22 deaths.

Extension of ban on public gathering 

The President also announced the extension of the ban on public gatherings.

The extension takes effect on Monday, May 11, 2020.

He said while the ban has created a lot of inconvenience for many Ghanaians, “we have no option but to stay focused.”


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