Females always feel they have the upper hand when it comes to the type of attributes they need in their dream man. ‘If he cheats on me, if he hits me’ among others, are some behaviors females cannot condone from their better halves no matter how attached they are to them. Be it physically, emotionally or psychologically.

My dear ladies, all your ‘ifs and whens’ are justified. What about we reminding or learning the bad behaviours that drive our significant others away from us? Never thought of that right? Let’s look at some of these bad behaviours your man cannot put up with, and therefore might not end up walking you down the aisle.

Men!  You need to be sure you are capable of managing her in future. This doesn’t mean beating or screaming at her. Approach her softly and solve the issue rather than trying to be violent.

Why on earth would you shout at your man? Even if you fend for the relationship or you proposed to the guy, you have no right to shout at your man. He equally has no right to shout at you. Ladies need to soften things when things get rough. Shouting at your man can make him feel inferior, and you will be the sufferer since no man will let go of his ego. He might as well try to defend himself and might end up hitting you.

Ladies, no matter how mad you are, try to walk away rather than scream at your partner or even hitting him. My dearies, please refrain from this act. It has never helped any lady.

A  woman who shouts at her man is seen to be  manipulative, and no one would like to be with an authoritative  and over-controlling partner.

It is often said that, women are born-greats. You give her a house she gives you a home. You give her something she goes the extra mile to produce something better.

No matter how big or small a substance may be, a great woman will try to yield something from it. If your man is able to give you something for your upkeep, my dear, hold it and keep mute. Others are not receiving a dime, but you are complaining?

My dear, half a loaf is better than none. Haven’t you heard of guys who try to play poor in order to know if their ladies love them? So you see? Instead of waiting for your man to provide? Why not shy him by trying to fend for yourself before he offers to help.

Trust me he will love you unconditionally and would even not think twice to introduce you to his family and walk you down the aisle. Men nowadays love independent ladies, and are willing to hold them dear to their hearts as ladies like these are rare gems.


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