Corona virus has had a significant impact on the global economy. From agriculture to education to social lives and to emerging markets just to mention a few even to the point of a lock down. The COVID-19 has had far reaching consequences.The efforts to mandate quarantine of immigrants  is applaudable since it has curbed the situation a bit since most of the reported cases were imported.There are various effects over the global economy. In any scenario, the most affected will be the poorest and most vulnerable segments of the population, including migrants, the displaced, and those hit by conflict.

To begin with, as at now, disruptions are minimal as food supply has been adequate and markets have been stable so far. However, the possibility of it becoming unstable is very high since the mode of transportation is becoming cumbersome and even access to the raw materials is restricted as most of the borders are closed.There are  disruptions in the food supply chains for example shortage of fertilizers, veterinary medicines and other input could affect agricultural production. Closures of restaurants and less frequent grocery shopping diminish demand for fresh produce and fisheries products, affecting producers and suppliers.

All over the world, students are absent from the classrooms unable to go to school or university, due to measures to stop the spread of COVID-19.The pandemic is expected and is a huge impact on global education. Close to a billion people are still locked down due to the corona virus outbreak which has brought life around the world to a virtual standstill. The pandemic is having enormous economic consequences and it is also having a devastating impact on global education. According to the latest figures released by UNESCO, some 1.3 billion learners around the world were not able to attend school or university as of March 23, 2020.There is this new drive of E-learning for tertiary students which is not welcomed by a large number of students even graduates for this year.

The argument being that, there could be poor network connection, lack of technical know how of the systems or apps and unstable minds to work as most of the parents fending for these students are in the labour force and are not working due to this pandemic. This is really affecting students since time and tide waits for no man and tutors have already started tutoring the students at hand. Just recently, 107 students registered for an online course and only 37 were able to attend the lecture online. This is really disturbing as this pandemic may be a curse for graduates and a boon for universities.

The state of many countries who have come into contact with the pandemic regret its influence on social lives and family systems. The idea of isolation, social distancing and quarantine have come up strongly and becoming the order of the day in most countries as paramedics in all countries are striving hard day by day and night by night to come up with a vaccine.Social distancing and isolation are measures that could help curb the spread of the virus.These measures are necessary evils and bitter pills that need to be swallowed to get out of this bondage of a virus,though the effects are not things to write home about.This has had a dribble effect not only on science but also the society.

Parents and grandparents can no longer cuddle their kids like they used to this has created a barrier and it’s a great challenge to family ties.The virus has created boredom and killing us slowly.In as much as the virus is gotten from contact with another person who has it,its also a silent killer because of the lock-down which is creating boredom.Most homes for a long time have had little or no bonding with their families and as such staying at home during this time could be difficult. But at the same time, these moments could be a prime time to bond with family and get to know their kids better as they can have time to talk and share quality time.

We all packed our bags and luggage and every Tom, Dick and Harry hurriedly hurried to 2020 innocently without knowing what it had in store for us. Who could have thought that the first quarter of the year would be this dreadful?

Let’s all stay calm and spread calm. Let us all be patriotic in all our dealings this too shall pass.

Let us adhere to the preventive measures and come out from this lock-down victoriously and healthy

  1. Let us avoid overcrowding areas
  2. Wash your hands with soap regularly under running water
  3. Use alcohol hand rub
  4. Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose(The T-ZONE) with unwashed hands
  5. Keep distance from people who show signs such as fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing
  6. Eat properly, drink enough water and have enough rest/sleep.
  7. In case you have symptoms, call the emergency numbers (+233 55 843 9868 / +233 50 949 7700) or report to the nearest hospital
  8. Practice social isolation.

You could save the lives of your family and friends by abiding by these safety rules.


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