Current Covid-19 Situation in Ghana: The Dark Days Ahead


The Covid-19 statistics in Ghana are beginning to send shivers down the spines of the citizens. As of 5th July 2020, a record 854 new Covid-19 infections were reported by the Ghana Health Service. Since then, the daily increase in new confirmed cases stand around 400.

So far, Ghana’s total case count is over 22000. The good news is that the number of recoveries is more than 17500. This means about 5000 active cases remain. Not so bad, right?

As encouraging as the recoveries seem to be, Ghana’s Covid-19 situation still leaves much to be desired. The number of fatalities now hovers around 129 lost souls.

One lost life is too much. How much more about a hundred-and-something Covid-19 deaths within 3.5 months?

Maybe it’s too early for us to rejoice about the astronomical recovery figures. To understand what the hell is going on with Ghana Health Service, and the Covid-19 battle, take a look at an overview of the regional statistics below.

  • Accra:1250
  • Ashanti:4824
  • Western: 2045
  • Central: 1046
  • Eastern: 855
  • Volta: 370
  • Upper East: 278
  • Bono East: 146
  • Western North: 158

NB: The rest of the regions have fewer cases.

The Coronavirus Pandemic Trends in Ghana

Many concerned citizens will agree that Ghana is slowly losing the battle against the Coronavirus pandemic. The fact that we now record hundreds of new cases per day, shows that the curve is not flattening as we were made to believe. We have probably not reached the peak yet, and that is a cause for alarm.

Just about two weeks ago, president Akufo Addo directed the Ghana Education Service to allow final year SHS and university students to go back to the classrooms. As if that’s not enough, the Electoral Commission obtained the green light to proceed with the compilation of the new voter register.

High-profile government officials such as the Senior Minister Osafo Marfo, are now getting their fair share of the Covid-19 infections. This prompted President Akufo Addo to go into a two-week isolation. He doesn’t want to miss the next election.

A lot of fear and panic now characterize the feelings of Ghanaians. On 6th July, it was reported that about 6 students of the Accra Girls’ SHS, plus a teacher and his spouse, have tested positive for the deadly virus.

The Ghana Health Service then dispatched a team of 200 experts to monitor the Covid-19 developments in the high schools while teaching and learning can go on uninterrupted.

One day later, another Covid-19 related disaster struck a student of the KNUST SHS in Kumasi. This time round, it was fatal. After complaining of stomach upset, the final year SHS student later passed away while helpless teachers stood at a safe social distance and watched his demise.

Can the teachers be blamed for the death of the student who was suspected to have contracted the virus? Well, that’s a debatable topic. But some people argue that teachers are not health professionals.

The Bottom Line

Judging from the recent upsurge in cases and fatality rates, in addition to the brouhaha surrounding the reopening of schools, it’s advisable to keep staying at home. Covid-19 is real, and Ghana appears to be heading towards a disaster.

Therefore, Stay Safe!


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