45th president of the United States, Donald J Trump and his wife Melania tested positive for the Coronavirus a few days ago.
Trump, 74, belongs to the high risk category as far as Covid-19 statistics are concerned. 8 out of 10 Covid-19 deaths in the US are people aged over 70 years.
Trump’s personal doctor Dr. Sean Conley, medically briefed the media and answered a few questions on the president’s Covid-19 updates. Unfortunately, his briefing left much to be desired concerning the president’s condition.
In a Sunday press conference, Trump’s physicians admitted that the president had to be given some oxygen because he experienced 2 drops in his oxygen levels. But they are hoping that the president will be strong and healthy to report to duty on Monday October 5.
Although Dr. Conley and his team of presidential health experts briefed Americans on how the president is faring with the deadly virus, many Americans think that they are hiding one or two facts on the ground.
Why did Trump contract Covid-19?
What’s the secret about a president in pain? This is a man who openly refused to obey the Covid-19 safety directives. We are talking about a president who refused to wear masks on several occasions. At the height of the pandemic, the first gentleman of the land was expected to lead a good example by wearing masks publicly. This way, he would encourage the American citizenry to stay safe from the virus. Well, Trump downplayed the essence of observing Covid-19 safety protocols. So, he ended up exposing himself to the virus. After catching the virus from one of his assistants in the White House, Trump also passed it to his over 50-years-old wife Melania Trump, the First Lady.
Dr. Conley said that the President is “doing really well” and is responding to treatment. But just how well is Trump? No one can tell.
According to Conley, the President’s current blood oxygen level stands at 98%. He was still showing mild symptoms as of Sunday. Trump’s doctors don’t want to disclose further information on how the Covid has affected the president’s lungs.
Some 7 months into the global pandemic, and the US has painfully lost 209,000 Americans to Covid-19. Now the leader of the USA has finally been taken down by Covid, plunging the nation into more chaos.
Let’s wish Trump a speedy recovery. Ahead of the US 2020 polls, Joe Biden will face Trump in the 2nd presidential debate. That’s if presidential Trump recovers from the virus in time.