The saying that “men are like clay — if you mold them properly, they will give you the shape you desire” is not far from the truth.

All you need to do is to treat your man right, and he will never cheat on you. Even though he was doing so before, he will change.

Sayings like these do not sit well with some men. No matter how hard a lady tries to please them, they still cheat. They justify that men are polygamous in nature,  and once you are the main chick, you have to stop complaining.

Hello!!  If you knew you couldn’t control yourself, why make me commit to you? Let’s get straight into business on how best to deal with a cheating partner. Though this article is in favour of women,  these tips can also work for my dear men whose ladies cheat on them. Journey with me, and let’s see how best to handle a cheating partner.


This is the first thing I would like to touch on. Don’t allow his actions to change you. Don’t allow it to turn you into a bitter person. Be the same person you were previously. Don’t try to match up with the lady he is cheating on you with.

Be yourself, and if he’s right for you, your humble nature will bring him around in no time. If he is too blinded and wants to just cheat and have his way, my dear, remember when one door closes, a bigger and better one will definitely open.


Fire cannot be quenched by pouring a substance that supports burning into it. Sometimes, people become  worse when you try to judge them. They feel you want to be the ‘Miss Perfect’ in their lives, and control their every move. Therefore, they rather see you as the enemy. Judging people makes  them feel you want to play God in their life.

And because they want to feel that sense of guilt, they try to vent their anger on the accuser, to give them a satisfying assurance that they are under no one’s influence. To them, it is an adventure; a definition of freedom.

Instead of being judgemental, learn to be calm. Let your calmness be his judge. Speak to him respectfully, and let him know how his actions are affecting you psychologically. Let him know the risk of your relationship with him.


Some ladies do this a lot, thinking that by attacking the other lady, her man will keep away from the girl and be devoted to them. They feel that threatening the other lady will make her desist from seeing their man.

Well, ladies,  that’s a bad move. Threats will rather make your man feel that you want to manipulate his world, and due to his guilty conscience pricking him, he might even go as far as coming to attack you too for attacking his side chick. Other cheating guys may just change tactics and become more secretive.

My dear, when you discover that your man is cheating on you, the person you have to face is your man — not the strange girl. It is your man you have to talk to, and not the side chick. It is him that you know, and not any other person.

But while talking to him, make him know you know the person he is cheating on. That’s if you have your proofs, iron out issues with him. That way, he will see the maturity in you, and turn a new leaf. You will be amazed at his new life.


Just like I said earlier, try to talk to him calmly. But while talking to him, what do you want to talk about? It’s his triggers.

Before a partner cheats in a relationship, something must have triggered him to do so. Is it that he’s not satisfied with you? Is he doing so because of money? Or is it because of your attitude towards him? Trust me, there is a reason attached to every action.

And if you can create that conducive atmosphere for both of you, and talk to him in a way that will push him to open up to you, he might squeal to you what pushed him to cheat on you. And if you can get him to tell you his triggers, then I believe you can handle it from there.

Just like I said before, if you find out that your man is cheating on you, do these four things to him. And chances are very high that he will change and learn to love you more.


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