The moment it dawns on you that your partner is cheating is one of the most frustrating phases of our love lives. Come to think of it. Why should you cheat on me? What can he or she offer that I can’t offer? If you cannot stay committed why make me fall in love with you? These and many more unanswered questions are questions we ask rhetorically because we do not expect an answer from the cheating partner as the answers will rather make matters worse.

You want to try and understand why they treated you soo badly by cheating? You really want to have answers to their cheating lifestyle? Are you sure you can embrace it? Some responses from cheats are really heartbreaking, shocking and confusing. Let’s look at a few of them.

Really? Like on a real? You went in for another guy or lady simply because I was distant? This might sound as a good excuse but my dear this is a flimsy excuse. Don’t you know my reason for being distant? Couldn’t you have controlled your emotions a bit longer?  My dear, stop trying to shift the blame to me. Stop trying to make me  be the victim. If you love me, you’ll wait for me.

Have you ever seen your number stored on your boo or bae’s phone and do not make a fuss about it but later see another lady’s contact with love emoji attached and you confront your boo or bae and he or she tells you it’s not what you think. Like hello excuse me, what do you think I’m thinking? Why should it be so? Have you ever seen your boo or bae’s chat with another person and it’s so romantic and it seems they have a thing together and he or she tells you it’s not what you think. Hmmm okay can you just explain yourself?

Instead of hiding your phone from your partner, why not go and be with the person you are secretly chatting. Dear all, let’s refrain from this act of cheat and love our partners. Relationship is all about two imperfect people coming together to fight against all odds to make it work.


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