Wondering why people click with others fast while you lag behind? Do you think you try your best to be friendly despite your personality (introvert or extrovert) but yet, the shine is always stolen from you as others get closer to their new friends or partners almost instantly which is not so in your case? Worry no more. Here are some basic tips to help you grab that friend who doesn’t seem to notice your interest in trying to befriend him or her.

Communication is very key in all relationships and friendships. Whether verbally or non verbally,communication must flow and most often than not, the nonverbal form of communicating does the trick. Yes!  body language sends messages across faster than the talks. Do you remember that wink from that lady you always desire to  befriend? Do you remember that cheerful smile and a wave from that handsome guy you’ve longed to go for lunch break with? These and many more nonverbal gestures go a long way to establish relationships and even great homes. Those positive gestures accompanied with good hearts can land you with your better half or your best pal.

Most often, we turn to feel shy and nervous when that special someone is around and think we might commit a grammatical blunder so end up using our physique to relay our information. This goes a long way if the receiving end gets the gesture. Try not to create a gap when communicating nonverbally for instance, waving without a cheerful smile. This seems off as the receiver would see this as a negative approach. Smile is the greatest of all the gestures so always remember to accompany your positive actions with a cheerful smile.

A simple ‘hello’ can do the magic. It’s hard for a person to be rejected when he or she tries to initiate a conversation using words like’hey there, who do we have here, hello’ among other pleasantries. Avoid words like ‘excuse me’ this as polite as it may sound is an off pleasantry for most people. As soon as your ‘hello’ is welcomed, initiate a handshake if you are not too forward to shake hands, try to ask general questions like name among other general questions and occasionally chip in some jokes.

Try these and see how easily you’ll click with those you’ve longed for having a great relationship with.


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