Children are not very prone to this pandemic even statistically; we haven’t actually heard that children have been affected by this novel coronavirus. In spite of this, children risk being among its biggest victims. Though they have thankfully been largely spared from the direct health effects of COVID-19 at least to date, the crisis is having a profound effect on their wellbeing. All children, of all ages, and in all countries, are being affected, in particular by the socio-economic impacts. This is a universal crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic presents the greatest virus the world has faced.

Surprisingly, the harmful effects of this pandemic will not be distributed equally. This virus is expected to be most damaging for children in the poorest countries, poorest neighbourhoods and for those in already disadvantaged or vulnerable situations.

To begin with, the safety of children is at risk. As there is a ban on social gathering, stubborn children will try to find a hideout to do all manner of things for their pleasure. Just recently, a group of children aged 10-12 went to swim in a beach at korle-gonno. In a bid to scare them to go home rather than be here swimming, they tried to escape and unfortunately for one of the children, he got drowned. Others are suffering from places they find shelter with heightened risk of children witnessing or suffering violence and abuse. Children in conflict settings, as well as those living in slum settlements are faced with considerable risk. Children’s reliance on online platforms for distance learning also pose increased risk as their exposure to inappropriate content and online predators is on the rise. Since parents are aware their children are using the net now, they provide them with data and some children can take advantage and view other inappropriate sites and learn other activities like scam.

Secondly, the pandemic has had a great impact on learning worldwide. There has been a nationwide closure of schools and this is really affecting academics. There has been an introduction of distance learning through the use of some applications such as zoom, google classrooms among others. As all the fingers are not equal, so is the case that, connectivity to the internet isn’t strong everywhere. This educational drift is having effect on millions of children and youth in the country.

The potential losses that may accrue in learning for today’s young generation, and for the development of their human capital, are hard to believe. From research, before the virus took over the world, almost one third of the world’s young people were digitally excluded. So, you see? The effects of this pandemic on education which is widely purchased by youth and children is better seen than told.

Furthermore, the threats to child survival and health is a major worry and concern. Economic hardships experienced by families are as a result of the global economic problems from inflation to lack of incentives to meagre salaries and wages among others. Malnutrition is expected to be on a rise as lots of children normally depend on the school feeding program meals as a reliable source of daily nutrition. They now have to seek for other sources to be able to feed properly.

Also, the physical distancing and lockdown measures needed to save lives and suppress the transmission of the virus have resulted in a significant reduction of economic activity across all major economies and the resultant global recession. Even after the ban on lock down has been lifted two weeks ago, businesses are yet to be stable again as purchasing has become low and the purchasing power is not available anymore. Parents are not able to cater for their children as they wish because the means is not really there again which might lead to poverty. Children can take advantage of this and look for assistance at places they wouldn’t have thought of if there was no pandemic. This poses a great danger on children and everyone as a whole. Children are our future so what affects them affects the whole world.

Fellow Ghanaians the ball is in our court to continue to stay safe and heed to the safety precautions laid out to help kick this novel coronavirus from the regions, Ghana, Africa and the world at large.

  1. Let us avoid overcrowding areas
  2. Wash your hands with soap regularly under running water
  3. Use alcohol hand rub
  4. Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose (The T-ZONE) with unwashed hands
  5. Keep distance from people who show signs such as fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing
  6. Eat properly, drink enough water and have enough rest/sleep.
  7. In case you have symptoms, call the emergency numbers (+233 55 843 9868 / +233 50 949 7700) or report to the nearest hospital
  8. Practice social isolation.


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