Precise Summary of President Akufo-Addo’s 9th Covid-19 Update


Yesterday evening (May 10, 2020), President Akufo-Addo delivered his 9th Covid-19 update to the nation. As usual, his speech centered on the enhanced measures taken to combat the virus.

Prior to the president’s speech, a wave of speculations reverberated across social media.

Considering the sharp increase in case counts recorded in the last couple of days, some Ghanaians thought that the president was probably coming to announce another lockdown of Accra and Greater Kumasi.

On the other hand,only a few naysayers predicted that he might lift the ban on public gatherings.

In any case, the president did address the nation yesterday around 9:00 pm. But unfortunately, his lengthy speech wasn’t about another dreadful lockdown nor lifting of bans.

Here is a Concise Summary of Akufo-Addo’s Covid-19 Speech Yesterday.

The president started his speech by recalling that it’s exactly 2 months (or 8 weeks) since Covid-19 crossed our borders.

He continued that the enhanced measures taken by the government so far have yielded good results in terms of containing the virus.

From contact tracing to isolation, testing, treatment and partial lockdowns — every aggressive decision implemented has helped to save lives.

Ghana has conducted about 160,501 Covid-19 tests as of May 10, 2020; the highest testing in Africa. Out of that number, 4700 are confirmed cases, 494 are recoveries, 5 persons being critically ill, and sadly — 22 deaths.

The president urged Ghanaians not to panic over the sharp rise in new infections. He explained that it’s normal for case counts to increase because Ghana’s testing capacity has been ramped up. About 500 factory workers in Tema contracted the virus from a single person. This contributed to the astronomical surge in new infections.

Shots fired.

Midway through his speech, Nana Addo subtly threw shots at his political opponents who are critical of his Covid-19 approaches.

“I know some political actors will want you to believe that our current numbers represent a failure on the part of Government. Do not begrudge them. They need to make such comments for their political survival.”, he said.

This was no ordinary statement. It was a carefully worded jab that was directed to whomever it may concern. By the way, it was obvious that John Mahama was probably the target of that coded message.

While some religious leaders are pushing for churches to be re-opened, the call appears to be too early and perhaps, insane.

All social distancing protocols are still in full force. Contrary to popular expectations, the commander in chief declared that the ban on public gatherings is still effective.

“Tonight, I have come into your homes to announce that the ban on public gatherings, as set out in E.I 64, has been extended also to the end of the month, i.e. 31st May.”, His Excellency President Akufo Addo spoke out.

By this all, all schools, mosques, drinking spots, funerals, sporting events, etc. still remain closed.

Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished severely.

By heart, the president admitted that he understands how the restrictions have negatively impacted our normal way of lives. But nevertheless, the measures are necessary for our safety.

Washing of hands with soap under running water, refraining from shaking hands, and wearing of masks — are still encouraged

Next, government claims it has adequately resourced health workers across the country to battle the pandemic.

In all, government has distributed: 4,240,719 gloves; 2,576,333 nose masks; 60,823 goggles; 60,132 litres of sanitizers; 50,770 head covers; 41,992 gowns; 41,000 medical scrubs; 30,783 N-95 face masks, 5,000 PPEs to members of the media

Economic stimulus is coming

“We are rolling out a soft loan scheme of six hundred million cedis (GH¢600 million), in this month of May, to support micro, small and medium scale businesses, and, as you know, the commercial banks, with the support of the Bank of Ghana, have also instituted a three billion cedi (GH¢3 billion) credit and stimulus package, to help revitalise industries, especially in the pharmaceutical, hospitality, services, and manufacturing sectors.” Akufo-Addo disclosed.

How about the 88 new district hospitals and 6 regional hospitals he promised?

Apparently, the Minister of Finance is working hard to source funds for that massive project.

The president also encouraged Ghanaians to boost their immune systems by eating foods containing vitamins A, B6, C, and E. Fortunately, these nutrients can be found in local Ghanaians foods such as oranges, kontomire, millet, cashew nuts, crabs, plantain, okro, dawadawa, brown rice and mushrooms.

Concluding his address, Nana said “I am confident that we will overcome this pandemic, as well. This, too, shall pass! For the Battle is the Lord’s!! May God bless us all”.


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