PSG Loses Champions League Final to Bayern Munich


The 2019/2020 champions league ended yesterday in tears to one side. PSG lost the UCL final to Bayern Munichin Germany by 0-1. It was a hectic match that saw no goals from both sides after the first half.

For the first time since 2017, Paris Saint struggled to dominate in ball possession. The German side kept on pushing PSG with their energetic speed-driven performance.

Around the 59th minute, hell broke loose when Bayern Munich finally found their opening goal through a header from Kinsley Coman, a former PSG star.

The miracles surrounding the 2019/2020 champions league never failed to reveal themselves once a while.

Just about a week ago, Barcelona suffered under the hands of Bayern Munich when they were thrashed by a whopping 2-8 scoreline. That demolition happened in the champions league quarterfinal. Barça outcast Coutinho scored 2 goals for Bayern.

Just like the Coutinho Barcelona story, PSG also spent nearly $400 million to sign so-called super players like Kylian Mbappe and Neymar Jr.

They then allowed Kinsley Coman to leave on free transfer to Bayern Munich. The rejected players Countinho and Coman proved themselves right by winning the ultimate European trophy yesterday.

Why did PSG lose the champions league final?
The fact of the matter is that PSG were not outplayed by Bayern Munich yesterday; they just couldn’t convert their chances.

PSG’s forwards Neymar and Mbappe equally had good near-post chances to score and equalize, but they missed their opportunities.

Another hero of the night was Bayern Munich’s keeper Manuel Nuer. He was on high alert and made very vital saves to deny PSG from scoring.

Simply put, it was not a Neymar night. And that’s why the Brazilian couldn’t win the most important game of his PSG career.

Though PSG players looked very disappointed in the result, they probably did their best. Meanwhile, Congratulations to Bayern Munich for winning their 6th European title.


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