Is this what we wished for ourselves and the world in the year 2020? Where from this dreaded virus which has become a pandemic and doesn’t have respect for the young or old rich or poor? People of all ages are been infected by the new corona virus (COVID-19). Older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus. WHO advises people of all ages to take steps to protect themselves from the virus, for example by following good hand hygiene and good respiratory hygiene. A study of more than 44,000 patients conducted by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that 2.8% of Chinese men diagnosed with the virus ultimately died as of February 11. For women, however, the fatality was 1.7%.

From statistics, it has been observed that men are more prone to the virus than women. Why? Don’t we all have the same blood running through our veins so why is the virus discriminating if I should say. The trend however is not only exclusive to China but as the virus kept spreading, Italy, Germany, Iran, France, and South Korea men were not spared as compared to the women and have also reported a higher death toll among male patients. As at April 7, 2020, in Ghana, the males have been more affected than females.

Women make up 70 per cent of the workforce in the health and social sector and could be more exposed to the virus because of gender roles. In our society, it’s women who provide frontline care. It’s women who are involved in looking after sick relatives or friends in their homes. If this is the case, then women are at a greater risk of getting infected here as compared to men. Let us delve into the reasons why males are more prone to the virus than women. Corona Virus appears to pose a particular threat to men.

Middle-aged and older men, and those with underlying health conditions that affect the immune system, are the ones most especially badly hit by the virus. And while scientists can’t say for certain why the current pandemic is discriminating by sex, it isn’t a total surprise. While scientists don’t know what’s causing the gender disparity in this current pandemic, smoking and drinking have been floated as possible theories. Historically, men smoke more than women and the difference is particularly large in China, where nearly 50 percent of men but less than three per cent of women smoke. People who smoke are more likely to develop chronic lung and heart diseases, which are tied to worse outcomes if they contract Covid-19. One of the main reasons for death is that the lungs are no longer working and if the lungs are already damaged because of smoking, there’s less reserve because the lungs no longer are sufficiently effective at keeping you oxygenated.

Furthermore, women mount stronger immune responses than men except during pregnancy which of course women only undergo to avoid attacking and rejecting the foetus growing inside of them which could be another plausible explanation for the emerging picture of male susceptibility to the Covid-19 disease than women. People aged 75 and older are most at risk from dying with coronavirus. Men in that age bracket are twice as likely as women to die from the disease and account for a disproportionate number of deaths. Due to biological differences and differences in our immune systems, male lifestyles may be a factor and they in turn contribute to the number of men dying who have underlying conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure. The overwhelming majority of people who die with Covid-19 have an underlying condition which our dear men are more prone to than women.

Last but not least, the disproportionate toll of the virus appears to have deep biological roots. An emerging body of research has revealed that women’s bodies are better at fighting off infection, thanks to the hormones in their systems and the genes on their two X chromosomes.

Let us adhere to the preventive measures and come out from this lockdwon victoriously and healthy, this too shall pass.

  1. Let us avoid overcrowding areas
  2. Wash your hands with soap regularly under running water
  3. Use alcohol hand rub
  4. Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose(The T-ZONE) with unwashed hands
  5. Keep distance from people who show signs such as fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing
  6. Eat properly, drink enough water and have enough rest/sleep.
  7. In case you have symptoms, call the emergency numbers (+233 55 843 9868 / +233 50 949 7700) or report to the nearest hospital
  8. Practice social isolation.

You could save the lives of your family and friends by abiding by these safety rules.


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