Robodebt refunds: Government’s $721 million payday to welfare recipients


“Services Australia has identified 470,000 debts raised wholly or partially using income averaging of ATO data. Refunding of eligible debts will commence in July and will continue through the 2020-21 financial year. The total value of refunds including fees and charges is estimated at $721 million.

“Services Australia will now put in place the mechanisms needed to start making refunds, including how affected customers are advised of next steps. Consultation will occur with stakeholders, including the Commonwealth Ombudsman, and clear communication is a priority, so people understand what it means for them.”

The Morrison Government stressed that all other income compliance debts would continue to be subject to recovery, ensuring the integrity of Australia’s welfare system.

“People do not need to do anything right now to obtain a refund for a debt raised wholly or partially using averaging of ATO data. Further information will be available shortly at Anyone with questions about their income compliance review can call 1800 061 838,” he said.

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