Waking up to the chirping of birds, their sweet sounds are melodies to the soul. It is morning, another beautiful day surrounded by green life. Serene environment unlike Accra where you wake up to the raucous sound of cars engines and loud foot steps of busy people.

The morning air is refreshing, saturated with the sweet fragrance of herbs and flowers and so devoid of pollution, which causes an awakening to the mind.

Despite the carefree nature of domestic animals like goats, sheep and cows, they bleated and mooed all through the night, as though they could predict their predicament.

Outside, are people dressed in white. Today is Eid al-Adha, an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim (also known as Abraham) to follow God’s command to sacrifice his son. Muslims around the world observe this event and celebrate with family and friends.

Immediately after Eid Mubarak, the subsequent activity is the act of offering, where families slaughter their sacrifices as atonement for sin. Later sumptuous delicacies are prepared with the meat and shared with friends and families

Eid al-Adha is also known as the festival of sacrifice to remember both the devotion of Abraham and the survival of Ishmeal. According to the Islamic calendar, this festival is observed on the tenth day of the twelve month and every Muslim household is mandated to perform a sacrifice even though it is not compulsory. Three animals are required to be used for the sacrifice which include either a camel, cow, goat or a ram

In an interview with the Imam for Bimbila central mosque, Sheikh Aliu Abubakari, he attested that the animals must meet certain requirement before the sacrifice. For instance, a camel must at least be five years old, a cow must be two years or more while a goat should be one year old and a ram at least 6months.

Sheikh Aliu Abubakari also said that, the sacrifice can take place within the period of four days as long as the festival last. Meaning any household that could not make the sacrifice on the first day can do it either on the second, third or fourth day. This is said to serve as an intercessory prayer on behalf of an entire household where the blood of the animal washes away the sins of the family.

It is supposed that not every family has the ability to perform the sacrifice, therefore the religion requires that households capable should always divide the meat of the sacrifice into three parts and share it among family and friends.

According to Sheikh Aliu Abubakari and Sheikh Abdul-karim Mohammed, the first part of the meat should be kept for the family, the second part should be donated to the poor who could not afford the sacrifice and the third should be distributed among relatives and friends.

In the evening, the celebration is climaxed with cultural performance at the chief’s palace, whiles others sit in clique, listen and dance to music and share meals together.

Eid Al-Adha is a memorial to celebrate the obedience of Ibrahim to Allah and get all Muslims to reconcile their actions to the will of Allah.





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