Most people love to enjoy their cone of ice cream alone, not because they don’t like sharing, but because they want to enjoy it alone. Some people would go mad at anyone who reads their diary without their consent, and would not take any explanation for that.

The case becomes different when it comes to relationships. Everyone wants to be in a healthy and two-way affair. Because of how soaked we are in love, we turn to make up excuses for the other side when they aren’t showing too much love or care.

Unfortunately, when you’re stuck in a one-sided relationship, it’s easy to fool yourself into thinking that what you’re experiencing is normal, when it could actually be toxic, or even loveless.

No one wants to give up on something or someone that brings joy, peace and love. We all want to be with that one person who makes us feel special and loves our imperfections. Even when his or her imperfections drive you nuts, you still want to give your relationship a chance before giving up on it.

If the relationship keeps hitting the rocks despite your pull or push, then back off.  There’s nothing worse for your kids than you walking down the aisle with someone you can’t trust.

In every relationship, there will be a give-and-take that fluctuates over time. Sometimes you might be putting in more effort, and other times your partner leads you. If it gets to a point where you always have to remind him or her about everything such as your birthday, that’s a red signal.

Some people naturally forget their birthdays, but if you truly love the person, you will know that the little things matter. You don’t have to always be the one doing the calling, while the other side pretends to be busy.

Busy without factoring me in your schedule? The I am not your priority. You ask him/her an important question; and all you get is ‘okay’ as an answer. This is a silent killer. The earlier you notice it, the better.

Your partner  doesn’t reciprocate gestures. For instance, if they get hold of something they’ve being praying so hard for, and you practically empty your account and buy them a surprise package as a congratulatory message, they quickly accept it and thank you.

You on the other hand, when you get something you have prayed and fasted for, you only receive a simple message, ‘congratulations’.

Hello!  I know your partner doesn’t need to do exactly what you did for them. A relationship should never be about checks and balances, but they should be doing the equivalent.

At least, knowing that he has little cash but not doing anything for you,  is a big sign that he’s not really appreciative and concerned about your outside life.

The ultimate goal in most relationships is to establish a future together, right? To be concise and not sound so sweet, if someone avoids talking about the future with you, it’s generally because they don’t want to.

It’s not because they don’t see  you as a material for marriage; they aren’t quite ready to verbally address it yet. Again, that’s totally fine. If you find yourself frequently wanting to have those talks, you should know that your partner may not be interested. So, you can decide to avoid talking about it completely. It’s safe to say things that are one-sided at the moment.

Do you feel mentally attacked after checking the above signs? I feel for you. Now, let’s fix it.

Try to accept the fact that the person doesn’t seem to be interested in you as you are.

Sit him or her down, and have a candid conversation about your observations. Do not attack by blaming or accusing. You don’t want to push them even further away because, they’re not living up to your standards.

Or, you’re trying to guilt them into being closer to you.  Ask them why they behave that way. It might be that they are oblivious of what they are doing.

But if you notice no change after the apology, and no act of change, kindly respect yourself and back off. Check yourself too. If you go too hard on people, try to minimize it till you get the person who appreciates and loves you for who you are.

Don’t be deceived. No one is perfect. Two people cohabiting is sometimes difficult. Even the teeth and the tongue fight at times. Don’t pack your bag and baggage because of what some friends are saying about their relationship. Fix yours.

Finally, always remember that dating is not a bed of roses, and communication is key.


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