It is quite surprising and alarming how we are made to take down any edible substance all in the name of food in a bid to survive. We are either brought up with the food due to our ethnic background (for instance a Ga being trained to eat kenkey due to the attachment of kenkey to the Ga people or the communities we grow up in (for instance an Ewe born and bred in a Ga community being raised with the food dominant in the community. Due to our loyalty to our tribes and most often than not our income, we tend to enjoy these foods without taking note of their implications when we consume them too often. The phrase ‘too much of everything is bad’ also works here.

As humans, there are some basic needs of life (water, food, shelter.etc). We need food to give us the energy to go about our daily work but there are some foods that you probably didn’t know is causing you more harm than good due to the way you are ‘abusing’ its intake.
Some foods are so commonly consumed that you will be shocked it will be listed here, but the more you reduce the rate of consumption, the longer you stay healthy. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

This might upset my plantain lovers. Who doesn’t love kelewele? Who doesn’t love to have some plantain with beans or even waakye? You can’t miss plantain right? It’s like kelewele doesn’t have a substitute ooo so reducing the intake of kelewele is like asking me to walk without my legs.
But my dear, have you thought of how the kelewele is prepared? Oh yes it is fried and not only fried but also using the deep frying method of cooking. Did you know that plantain is enriched with vitamin B6 and Vitamin C? Did you also know that plantain can cure peptic cancer? So you see? The phrase ‘everything has its pros and cons can be applied here. Don’t go rejoicing yet. Plantain contains a considerable amount of carbohydrates and more calories are produced when it is fried. So you see? The next time you think of that sumptuous kelewele or accompanying your ‘gob3’ with plantain, make sure you try as much as possible to do it in moderation.

Aside our dear local staple food gari, another relatively cheaper food on the market is noodles. Guys!! Noo particular brand of noodles but noodles in general. Who doesn’t love noodles? This isn’t about laziness ooo let’s face reality. It is less expensive, easy to prepare, satisfying, among other advantages. Noodles cut across all ages as its target market is both the young and old, and also its consumption cuts across all gender.
But, have you thought of this before? Do you remember when we spoke of salt damaging our bean shaped organ? No? Kindly go and have a look at the previous article.
Noodles contain an amount of sodium which when consumed too much damages the kidney. You dont want to have kidney transplant because you couldn’t control your excessive consumption of noodles would you? Your answer is as good as mine.

Always remember the priceless gift you can give to your family and the world is a healthy you.


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