Ladies always dream of coming across Mr. Right whom they wish to spend their time with and love him unconditionally. Ladies wish to be in relationships built on friendships that provide peace of mind. Guys! You will attest to the fact that you will prefer to be with a lady who gives you peace of mind.
In relationships, there are certain utterances that both males and females should not say to their significant others.
For this article, let us see some of the utterances a man should not say to his better half as its consequences will be grave.
This phrase usually comes to play when a man finds out the lady is becoming over controlling. The man in a bid to make his lady come to the realization that she is being too controlling can use this phrase. But come to think of it, no one would like to be compared to another’s parent due to an argument because, once that utterance is made, it can signal a red flag. Phrases like this and others that include ‘do you know how my mum struggled to get me to this point that you have come to enjoy?’ Dear guys, refrain from this kind of phrase as it causes more harm than good. Being with an over controlling lady is very annoying but this can be managed rather than saying hurtful words like these.How would you feel if your lady tells you ‘you are not my father?’Well your answer and feeling is as good as mine.
But what? Do not leave statements hanging if you need your partner’s trust. ‘If you love me you will correct me’ is most often said should be one of the basis on relationships. Try to open up and voice out your grievances with your partner and drop all the buts. For all you know she is not even aware of how angry you get due to a particular behavior. Have patience,sit her down and speak to her conscience.
Relationship they say is to control the excesses of one another but we are not ready to do that. Relationships are made of imperfect beings who want to love unconditionally with a bag load of conditions. So you see, the conditions we place on our relationships hurt us more than the behaviour of our partners. Consider the feelings and thoughts of your better half and come clear and clean when trying to drive home a point.