There are two bean-shaped organs in the human body. You know what that is called? Your guess is right ‘kidneys’. They are very essential and perform a lot of functions such as removing waste through urine, filtering of the blood, maintaining fluid balance in the system among other vital roles these bean shaped organs perform.

Many factors account to the damage of the kidney. You probably have heard of kidney transplant but hey! the cost of that transplant is mind blowing and you’ll agree that preventing your kidney from being damaged is far better than having it damaged and seeking for transplant.

Uncontrolled diabetes is said to be the commonest attack to the kidney but what if I tell you some foods oh yes foods cause these bean shaped organs to damage and not function properly.

Avoiding or limiting these foods and some lifestyle can go a long way to help the kidney perform well.Damage of the kidney can accumulate fluid in the body and waste can accumulate in the blood system. You don’t want to go through this do you?
Let’s look at some of these foods and lifestyle.

Drinking Alcohol in Excess
Taking in at least four bottles of alcohol a day is a gateway to damaging your kidney. Excessive intake of alcohol makes the kidney weak and not being able to filter the blood.
The next time you take the 3rd bottle in a day know that your risk of damaging your nice bean shaped organs is in your hands.

Not consuming enough sodium leads to goitre and consuming more is a great factor that destroys the kidney. Moderation therefore is the key word. Consuming Sodium salt overloads leads to increase in blood pressure, which puts a strain on your kidneys.
Let’s desist from smoking too as it damaged the kidney.

The priceless gift you can give to your family and the world is a healthy you.


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