Will People Come Back to Church after COVID-19?


recent survey reported that the majority of churches in America are recording higher “attendance” numbers for their online weekend services during the days of COVID-19 social distancing than they had for their regular gatherings.

The widespread use of internet-based technology, via platforms such as Facebook Live and Zoom, has allowed many churches to broadcast their sermons, and sometimes musical ministry, to a wider audience than would usually meet in their buildings on Sundays.

The relative ease of live streaming and video recording has given churches of all sizes the opportunity to reach out, quite effectively, into their own communities, and to a much broader viewership.

Plus, the wide usage of social media outlets, such as Facebook and Instagram, has given many people of all ages the chance to stay home on Sunday mornings, to sleep in, and still “attend” church services. In fact, some researchers are reporting that many Christians are watching more than one church service online each Sunday morning.

One result of the current pandemic situation may be larger church audiences, but less active participation. People are watching church services on the internet but are much less involved in key metrics than they were before. Financial giving is trending significantly down, and many ministries have also been suspended.

For example, although some churches are providing children’s and youth ministries online, there is less need for adult volunteers to serve in those capacities since there are no weekend programs scheduled. In most churches, this virtual ministry allows workers to simply stay home.

Ministry during Social Distancing

Pastors and other church leaders have risen to the occasion and have used initiative and creativity to reach out to their communities and to minister to their constituencies during the days of quarantine when most churches were not gathering in person. Clergy members are to be commended for their ingenuity and willingness to, in some cases, learn new technology in an attempt to reach the largest number of people each weekend.

The facts are in: Churches have launched new ways of connecting with people, and church members are enjoying their newly found Sunday schedules. The convenience of worshipping at home in front of a computer, tablet, or television has become what many are calling the “new normal” of church life.

That fact is causing many church leaders to think about the possible answers to a specific question, “Will people come back to active, in-person church attendance following the COVID-19 crisis?”

Ministry after Social Distancing

A specific answer to that question is probably quite uncertain now as pastors minister through the current realities of this pandemic. However, one national news organization reported that the U.S. “Department of Homeland Security is asking churches… to start planning (now) for life after the coronavirus, when worshippers can be together again.”

It’s hard to tell what church ministry will look like after the current practice of social distancing. Anecdotal evidence seems to point both ways. There are some saying the new habit of watching church services at home will continue after the current stay-in-place orders are lifted. Others believe that Christians will miss the fellowship with other believers and will crave being with them in person.

Why People May Not Come Back to Church

Here are a few reasons why many people may not return to their routine of regular church attendance.

1. People enjoy worshipping at home. The relaxed atmosphere of being at home with their families may have a long-term appeal for many customary church attenders. It is not an exaggeration to say that the current stay-at-home philosophy may have allowed some to watch worship services in their pajamas. Some believe that a significant number of regular church members may want to continue this casual practice even after the COVID-19 pandemic is over.

2. People don’t feel safe in public places anymore. The media has done a great job of convincing people to be afraid of public places with crowds of people. Residents have been told to wear face masks in public, to have at least six feet of distance between people, to use hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes regularly, and to wash their hands often. Younger generations are already struggling with anxiety and the current health crisis may make people quite leery about going to any public meetings in the near future.

3. People like the freedom to watch services on their own schedule. Another already common practice in the United States, even before this pandemic, was the practice of many to participate in other activities and functions on the weekends instead of making the commitment to regularly attend church services.

Although other activities are limited now as well, people seem to appreciate having more time available on weekends for other leisure pursuits. Having church services posted on websites and social media apps allows people to watch church services whenever it works in their personal and family schedules.


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