Silent treatment!! Does this ring a bell? Hope we all remember the last article on reasons behind silent treatment in relationships? Check it out! Now take a deep breath and see how you can manage a partner who punishes you with silent treatment.

Yes!!  It is a huge punishment. Most especially when you are at the receiving end. It’s like your world is crushing. Not hearing from a loved one for some time is emotionally draining. Don’t worry, guys!!!

If you’re on the receiving end, it’s very essential to note that you can only tolerate this behavior for a while, as it is totally unacceptable to tolerate this behavior all in the name of love. A person who is in love with you shouldn’t treat you that way. If he/she can’t drive home his point, then it’s time to think through.

Guys, let’s not get emotional. Here are 3 points on how to respond to silent treatment, and wow your partner who thinks they can punish us with their silent weapon.


We all enter into relationships without taking into consideration the personality differences. We are all guilty of falling in love, and being blinded by it so much that we tend to ignore the personalities we are involved with. We mostly come to the realization of these personalities when we encounter problems.

Is your partner an introvert, while you are more of an extrovert? Well, let’s see how these personalities work. Extroverts just drive home their points, and how they feel. Introverts on the other hand, need more time to process their emotions, especially when things get intense, or they feel that they’ve been attacked or insulted.

Find time and sit your partner down. Tell him/her you’ll give them time to cool down their temper, and don’t impose this time factor on them. Let there be an agreement.


More often than not, we try to figure out why our partners are not responding to our texts and not picking our calls. We sometimes go to the extent of threatening them with deadlines to respond to the texts and calls. We call their best pals to ask if they have heard from them, and whether they are still active on social media.

You check their social media status only to realize you’ve been blocked. My dear!  You brought this heartache upon yourself. It’s normal to seek the attention of your partner, but limit the extent to which you seek this attention. When they see you are desperate, they will hurt you through that door.

Avoid trying to figure out what your silent partner is thinking. You’re not a mind-reader. If you do their thinking for them, they won’t learn how to be direct when sharing their thoughts and feelings.


You don’t have to apologize for something you know nothing about. If you do that,  you’ll repeat the same mistakes you apologized for without knowing. Think about whether you really hurt your partner. If it’s so, then admit your wrongdoing and apologize sincerely. Never apologize for something you are not guilty of. How can you have an authentic and connected relationship by being false?

Instead of acting desperate, talk to your partner. Try as much as possible to apologize and bridge the gap of misunderstanding and anger.

Let’s all learn how to drive home our points appropriately, even when we are angry. For those who think silence is the best weapon, and therefore, punish their partners through silent treatment, they may want to change over a new leaf.

And for my dear readers at the receiving end, use the above three magical approaches,  and you will experience the greatest magic in your relationship. Sooner or later, your silent partner will give up.


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