Breakup can be physically, psychologically and emotionally draining. If you have not experienced this situation before, please do not be a judge to those who have experienced it. It is a painful loss.

The emptiness, the dull ache in the pit of your stomach — it feels so untrue and difficult to come to terms with the reality. This kind of loss sinks so deep. Nevertheless, you don’t have to give up. Definitely, you will meet someone who will accept you as their king/queen, and love you unconditionally

Here is how best to know if a breakup is knocking on the door of your relationship.

Why? What did I do? These questions that might run through your mind when your partner asks for a break or space.

Grace period in a relationship? This is totally uncalled-for.

He/she just wants to view life outside the relationship and this might be a chance for him/her to flirt around, without you being able to voice out because you have given your consent on the break.

Some people genuinely need some space probably due to their workload or family issues, but they still keep in touch with their partners. It may not be a vacation break where there is restriction on when to meddle in each other’s matters.

From the start of a relationship, we all assume it’s all fun and entertaining. Therefore, we do not really focus on the future. This is quite right because the future can take care of itself. So, why stress?

Let’s enjoy the relationship now while it lasts. But as time goes on, you’ll want to know the motives for this never ending love. If your partner wants something that you are not ready for, and talking to him/her is causing problems, please rethink your relationship.

For instance, as a lady, your biological clock is ticking, and you will want to have kids. But your partner insists he is not ready to cater for kids.

Come on, talk to him to understand your plight. If he still doesn’t agree, my dear, you know what is best and what you are seeking. He is probably not ready for you, so kindly have a rethink.

What is love without trust? Your partner tells you he/she is hanging out with his/her friends, and you are not sure if he/she is telling you the truth. You call them a number of times, and their number is always busy. Then they later tell you they were talking to their parents or relatives. But you know they are telling pure lies.

My dear, you need not to be told that he/she is trying to show you the backdoor. This is a wake-up call. Act fast in order to lessen your heartache.

Inexperienced people will be like “aah, it’s not worth crying over a man or woman”

There are many fishes in the river. So, stop crying over spilled milk. Broken egg shells cannot be fixed again. My dear, if you do not have any comforting words, allow them to mourn and wail.

Do you know how it feels to break ties with a person who means the whole world to you?

Time, they say, is a great healer. Surely, one day they’ll heal. Though a breakup can be very tough, foreknowledge lessens the pain so kindly watch out for these signs.



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